
Hi There! My name is Christine Fisher and I’ve started this page to share my passion for cooking.

During the day, I help run an EdTech Startup (www.possip.com). I have two boys: Benjamin (5) & William (7). An amazing husband, Jason, who is also this site’s photographer and recipe tester. We live in Cincinnati, OH.

I grew up in a home where home cooked meals were set at the dinner table every night and our family ate around the table promptly at 6pm. My parents were never into fad health crazes or fancy dishes. It was always about eating together and lively conversations (with the occasional vocabulary quiz from my Professor Father).

My Mother-in-Law was an amazing cook and was always testing out the latest recipe or cooking technique. While enjoying one of my meals, she gave me the type of compliment only a Mother-in-Law could and said I was a “really good simple cook”. We have certainly laughed about this quote many times over the years, but my husband and I agreed – I am a simple cook and it became the inspiration for this blog. I love using simple ingredients and creating delicious meals out of them. You will not find advanced cooking techniques here and very rarely will I use a hard to find ingredient. Simple ingredients, simple techniques, delicious food.

After starting my own family, we were faced with a few hurdles related to food early on. At the age of 3, my older son was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Our experiments with making fresh pasta and pizza dough were quickly over but we have learned to make gluten free a relatively easy part of our cooking. While this is not meant to be a “Gluten Free” blog, most of my recipes are gluten free or I will share both gluten and gluten free options. My kids are still mostly in the chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, & pizza eating phase but we keep our meals gluten free most of the time to keep our kitchen safe.

Our family – on vacation in Florida…. clearly not in Cincinnati.

Happy Cooking!