Mediterranean Pork Skewers

Mediterranean Pork Skewers

I have written about my love for Greek food and Tzatzki before and this is another favorite recipe to use that delicious sauce. It is a pretty flexible dish that can go great with rice, pitas, potatoes, or even just a nice side salad.

To make this quicker to come together on a week night dinner, I freeze the pork already prepped. Chop it into chunks, mix up the marinade, and freeze all together. When I freeze meat, I always write what it is and the date. Take the meat out the night before you plan to cook it and let it thaw in the fridge.

Frozen Pork in marinade ready to go.

Chop up the veggies for the skewers. Red onion, pepper, zucchini, and cherry tomatoes are great options. I don’t mix my skewers. It looks prettier when they are mixed but cooking times vary so greatly between the different veggies and between veggies and meat so I give up on some of the prettiness for better cooking outcome.

Veggies chopped

Next, put all the meat and veggies on skewers. Heat up the grill and, once heated, add the skewers to the grill. I usually put the zucchini, onions, and meat on first and the peppers and tomatoes on a little after as they take less time to cook.

Let cook for about 4-5 minutes a side. The meat should register 145F when done. Let the meat rest for a 5-10 minutes after cooking before serving. I served them with rice.

Mediterranean Pork Skewers

Serves 2 people


  • 1lbs Pork tenderloin (can use loin too) chopped into chunks
  • Marinade
    • 1/4 cup olive oil
    • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (can use wine vinegar too)
    • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
    • 1 tbsp minced garlic
    • 1 tbsp oregano
    • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 handful cherry tomatoes


  1. Chop pork into chunks.
  2. Mix marinade ingredients and add pork to it. Let sit for at least an hour – or freeze at this stage.
  3. Chop veggies.
  4. Put pork and veggies on skewers (easier to keep one skewer per item vs. mixing as cooking times vary. Add some olive oil over veggie skewers.
  5. Heat grill.
  6. Cook skewers on grill. Add meat, zucchini, onion, first and then add tomatoes and pepper after a few minutes as they take less cooking time.
  7. Flip skewers once. Pork should take about 4 minutes a side and be cooked until it reaches 145F.
  8. Let meat sit a for 5-10minutes before serving.
  9. Enjoy!